Korean Acupuncture Services in Spanish
Perder de peso, dolor de espalda, diabetis [sic], dolor de cabeza. Acupuntura. Oriental hierbas. Translation: Weight loss, back pain, diabetes, headache. Acupuncture. Oriental herbs.
C&N Acupuncture Clinic in North Koreatown.
Phone number: (323) 463-5454
Outsiders are often mystified to learn that Koreatown’s residents are mostly Spanish speakers. Korean professionals like dentists and entrepreneurs moved to safer neighborhoods in the wake of the race riots of the 90s. They commute to Koreatown during the day to run businesses and employ Mexicans and Salvadorans for the manual labor.
Many Korean businesses are savvy enough to realize that there’s a Spanish-speaking market, albeit still low in income, that can be tapped into. You can find authentic products from Mexico at the Korean supermarkets!